Remember God’s Mercies
Just as the night falls each evening, we have moments in our lives when the darkness tries to close in on our hopes and dreams. Thankfully, our hope doesn’t depend on things going our way. Instead, hope remains steadfast in our hearts when we remember God’s love and mercy.
Yet hope returns when I remember this one thing: The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue, Fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise.
─ Lamentations 3:21-23 GNT
Jeremiah, the Old Testament prophet wrote in Lamentations 3 about how the attack of his home town affected him. It is said to be one of the saddest stories about the destruction of Jerusalem with details of how it impacted him physically, mentally and spiritually. He said the fall of Jerusalem made him bitter in his spirit (Lamentations 3:15, 19).
Hope returns when you remember God’s mercies.
But then, Jeremiah realizes he still has hope. He said his hope returned when he remembered one thing – God’s love and mercy.
No matter what happens, the Lord’s love and mercy continues. If you feel bitter, hopeless, discouraged, distracted or defeated, let hope arise in your spirit today. You are not alone. God’s love never fails and His mercies for your life are available each day just like the light of the morning.
Today’s One Thing
Think about God’s faithful mercies in your life. When have you received His mercy? When has your hope appeared when you thought all was lost? Share your story with someone and encourage them today.
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