Remember God’s Past Provision
“On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased.”
─ Psalm 138:3
Have you ever been discouraged because you felt like you can’t seem to get ahead on your finances? Maybe you put off getting the mail because you knew another bill you didn’t have the money for was waiting for you there. And when you were blessed with overtime, an unexpected expense of some kind popped up and gobbled up that extra money before it was even deposited into your bank account.
How many times have you asked God to meet a real need, and he answered your prayer, perhaps even in a miraculous or totally unanticipated way. It’s easy to focus on the surmounting debt, and overlook or even forgot the many times God came through for you. We’ve all been guilty of forsaking the miraculous when yet another overwhelming obstacle stares us in the face.
When you recount the many answered prayers and blessings from “nowhere,” those specific times in your life remind you that God hears you, loves you and has promised to meet your needs – in your finances or any other area of your life.
God will always come through for you. He may not respond with the urgency you’d like, but always, in his perfect time. God is faithful to hear your prayers. He causes all things to work together for your good, and the good of those who love Him and keep His commandments. He knows what you have need of before you ever ask. Hold tight to your faith and remember His faithfulness today.
Today’s One Thing
Think back over the past few years and write a list of the ways God heard your prayers and answered you in a miraculous way.