Do you ever use a GPS device or Google Maps with an activated voice narrator? Don’t you love it when you enter your destination point on your GPS device and, while traveling, you turn into your favorite convenience store chain to get gas or a drink and hear your narrator say, “Rerouting?” Thankfully, your device can recalibrate and communicate the right turns for you to still arrive at your final destination after your travel deviation.
Jesus said to him, “Yes, I am the Gate. Those who come in by way of the Gate will be saved and will go in and out and find green pastures.”
– John 10:9 TLB
The Christian faith is founded on the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only way to the Father is by Him. In simple, everyday language, Jesus is your GPS and He has created a path for you to travel.
The Bible explains that sin has separated us from God, and the only way to bridge that gap is through Jesus. He is the only one who has lived a perfect life and can intercede on your behalf to the Father. In John 10:9, Jesus says He is the gate and anyone who enters through Him will be saved. This invitation is for you and anyone who will accept His invitation to the best, final destination.
Jesus is the truth, and He is the only way to heaven.
The importance of Jesus being the way, the truth and the life cannot be overstated. Through Jesus, you can have a relationship with God, experience truth and clarity and find purpose and meaning in life. The joy in that revelation should cause each Christ follower to cheerfully share this message with others and live life in a way that reflects the love and truth that Jesus Christ offers.
Yes, life has unexpected turns, forcing you to adjust, but you can depend on the Author and Creator to guide and direct you. Sometimes this requires you to reroute your plans and go in His new direction. When you allow the Lord to guide you, He will reroute you perfectly.
Today’s One Thing
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for showing me the way, providing me with the truth and giving me life. You love me deeply, and you have demonstrated your loving actions toward me. Help me to understand that Your way is the best. Bring to my mind ways that I can share your message.