The Rewards of Doing Things God’s Way
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.
─ Psalm 1:1-2
On holiday with a friend in December 1938, Nicholas Winton decided to forego a ski trip to help some refugees in Prague. That one decision changed his life forever—and the lives of almost 700 children.
Following his trip to Czechoslovakia, Winton decided to try to duplicate efforts he’d heard were happening in other countries and rescue refugee children. Thousands of Czechoslovakian parents stood in line to submit their applications to him at a Prague hotel. Although he had no authorization from the organization, Winton claimed to represent the British Committee for Refugees. For nine months, he shuttled children from their homes to safety in England. And he told no one. Not even his wife Grete.
Years later, Grete found a scrapbook, which detailed his actions, and gave it to a Holocaust historian. Winton’s secret was no longer a secret. The press dubbed him the “British Schindler” because he saved 669 children from the Nazi death camps during World War II. In 1988 a British television show featured his story and gave him the chance to meet many of the people he’d saved. He’s enjoyed emotional reunions with dozens of evacuees and their families and seen the ripple effect of his actions. In 2003 he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his service to humanity.
One day Winton decided to give up a vacation in order to serve others. His reward was hundreds of rescued children and thousands of changed lives. What will God do when we choose to do things His way? We may not see the results immediately, but fifty years down the road we may experience the sweet joy of seeing how God moved when we followed His lead on our lives.
Today’s One Thing
What is God nudging you to do His way? Step outside your comfort zone and do it today.