
Salvation Belongs to You

And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.

─ Matthew 10:22 ESV

In many ways our world is very different from Jesus’ time on earth, and yet the core of the challenges in life then and now remain the same. Oppression, lies, deceit, emotional hurts, and difficult seasons of life still persist today.

Before Jesus died, He told those who followed Him they would be severely persecuted by those who hated Him, but in the face of horrific persecution, they should always hold on to hope, assured that salvation belonged to them (Matthew 10:22).

Difficult seasons serve to separate true believers from fair-weather Christians. When the pressure is on and it feels like someone turned up the heat, you can dig your heels in deep and stand firm. Christ in you is your hope for glory. Your steadfast endurance is evidence you are truly committed to God and a witness to others of God’s love for you.

Just like the believers of old, we need single-minded, purposeful endurance. We can hold firm to our faith and trust God that eventually we will win the race. Romans 8:11 says the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in us. That power infuses us with strength to overcome the trials of this life.

Today’s One Thing

When you’ve overcome trials, your testimony is a witness to others of God’s faithfulness. What difficulty are you facing today? Share your story with someone who will stand in faith with you.

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