
Sandwiched In

They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green.

— Psalm 92:14

It’s been called the “sandwich generation.” But while most sandwiches are comfort food, this term describes the conflicting pull on time, resources and focus that people who care for both children and aging parents experience. These people who find their energy divided between soccer practice and an assisted living facility know this is anything but a comfortable place to be.

As believers, we’re called to honor our parents, to respect their wisdom and life experiences. Scripture passages such as Psalms 71 and 92 also remind us that God lifts up older generations by continuing to grow their wisdom and contributions to their families and communities. Yet while their value to God and family continue, their bodies become more fragile, and they need support and care. All the while, children also clamor for our attention and energy. We have jobs and churches, and there is not enough caffeine on the planet to give us the drive to answer all the demands on our time.

Before we crash and burn, we need to stop, take care of ourselves and evaluate our priorities. Even God rested, and Scripture often calls for us to do the same. God never intended for our responsibilities to drain us of hope and enthusiasm. Hebrews 4:9-11 reminds us that God set aside a time for us to rest, and in Mark 6:31 Jesus urged His disciples to rest. When He did so, they retreated to a “solitary place.”

Sometimes finding a place to rest may be the most important thing we can do. A quiet moment of solitude to collect our thoughts or close our eyes refreshes us for the work yet to be done. These moments of rest can also open our hearts and minds to a deeper relationship with God, the One who loves us most.

Today’s One Thing

Take a few moments to rest. Close your eyes. Enjoy a quiet moment with the One who gives true refreshment.



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