Say Who God Says You Are
In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you.
─ Isaiah 54:14 ESV
You have been qualified in righteousness by the Father (Isaiah 54:14). Qualified means: fitted for a given purpose, to be made eligible with the specific requirements or precedent conditions; chosen. Your Heavenly Father qualified you to enjoy His promises, to receive His inheritance.
His love for you compelled Him to give Jesus, His only Son in exchange for your sin, granting you access to a relationship with Him. Once you accept Christ, the work is already done. The Father’s gift of salvation made a way for you to receive the inheritance He prepared for you.
Aside from receiving Christ, there is nothing more you could have done. It’s all been done for you. You have been made righteous because of what Christ endured. You have access to God because of Who He is.
Today’s One Thing
Search the Scriptures today for what God says about you. Take those “in Christ” verses and declare aloud who you are in Him. Here’s a few to get you started:
- I am spiritually transformed, renewed and set apart for God’s purpose (1 Peter 1:23).
- I am created in Christ to do good works that He has prepared for me to do (Ephesians 2:10).
- I am dead to sin and alive to God, living each day in fellowship with Him (Romans 6:11).
- I hear God’s Word, do what it says, and am blessed through my actions (James 1:22, 25).