See God at Work in Your Life
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.
─ Ezekiel 36:26-27 NIV
During the Covid-19 “shelter in place” order, Donnie and Kim often took walks on the long, quiet county road between the lake and the golf course, near their home. Donnie, an occasional golfer, would spot golf balls in the weeds and rough on either side of the road.
“How do you see those?” Kim asked, a bit frustrated. “The only golf ball I’ve seen in the months we’ve been walking this road is the one in plain sight, in the middle of the road. You spot anywhere from four to a dozen every single time.”
“I’ve spent so much time looking in the rough for the ones I’ve lost playing the game, I guess it’s taught me where to look,” He said, smiling.
“I wish we could see God at work in our lives as easily as you spot those golf balls,” Kim replied.
So, how can you know that God is at work in your life? The verse today says God gives you a new heart and a new spirit. The sinful, self-serving nature you had before Christ, begins to conform to the character and nature of God. You desire to look, and act like Him.
Through Jesus’ resurrection, anyone in Christ is a new creation; the old has passed away and the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). The work God has done in your heart continues each day.
Like Donnie, knowing where to look for golf balls along the road, you can turn your heart to see God at work in your life by leaning into the desires He gives you and responding in a way that you know pleases Him.
Today’s One Thing
Recognize and follow God this week by being quick to respond to His leading. When you have that thought that you should open your Bible, expect His truth to come alive in your heart. When you feel a tug in your spirit to connect with God, look for a quiet place and begin to pray. Become more aware of the opportunities to share our faith.