Soul Refreshing Friendships
Ointments and perfume encourage the heart; in a similar way, a friend’s advice is sweet to the soul.
─ Proverbs 27:9 ISV
Dayna glimpsed at her daughter, Hailey, and her best friend, Tess, as they worked on homework together at the dining room table. She reflected on her relationship with her own best friend, Sarah. I was so blessed to find such a strong, lifelong friendship. They did everything together growing up and remained close. They still talk at least once a week, even though Sarah lived in the city now, an hour away.
Dayna had prayed for God to give Hailey relationships like she and Sarah had. And it seemed Tess was becoming that kind of friend for Hailey. The two loved one another unconditionally, celebrated each other’s individuality, defended each other against any foe and frequently shared silly laughs and giggles.
A sweet friendship refreshes the soul (Proverbs 27:9). God created us for relationship. And when we have friendships that understand us, accept us and demonstrate God’s love to us, it gives us hope and courage no matter what life brings.
Today’s One Thing
Reflect on the special friendships that God has given you. If you don’t have those kinds of relationships in your life, ask God to give them to you. If you do, express your thanks to God and to that special friend today.