
Spiritual Journaling During the Summer 

Summer can feel like a season when the world slows down, inviting you to savor moments. In these times, spiritual journaling can emerge as a vibrant pathway to connect deeply with God.

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

– Psalm 119:11 ESV

Spiritual journaling is very personal and can become a tangible expression of storing His word in your heart. Each entry, whether it be a prayer, a verse that struck you, or a moment you saw God in the everyday, tells a story of your relationship with Him. Journaling is more than chronicling your days; it is devoting time to capture the essence of your summer reflections, prayers, and spontaneous God moments.

You’ll find that journaling can transform the mundane into the miraculous – a sunrise or sunset’s beauty, the laughter of friends, a quiet moment of reflection in your house or yard, or while on vacation. When you pause to document and ponder these moments in light of God’s Word, you often hear God’s voice, guiding, affirming, and sometimes challenging you as you pursue His guidance.

Spiritual journaling deepens your relationship with God and helps awaken you to His direction.

Spiritual journaling nurtures your relationship with God by fostering a spirit of gratitude and attentiveness. As you write down your thoughts, prayers, and experiences, you become more aware of His presence in all aspects of life, not just in the sanctuaries and sacred spaces, but under the open sky, in the warmth of the sun, and in the gentle breezes of summer evenings.

The essence of spiritual journaling requires authenticity and intentionality. It’s a sacred space where you can be exclusively yourself before God, laying down your thoughts, burdens, joys, and questions at His feet.

Today’s One Thing 

As you journal your moments, may you find your heart increasingly drawn to love God more deeply and to extend that love to others. Let this be your affirmation: “In my reflections, prayers, and encounters, I will strive to love more like Jesus and seek His directions.”

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