Stand Firm and See God Do It Again
Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
─ Exodus 14:13-14 NIV
Stand Firm and See God Do It Again
Exodus 14 records the very first time the Israelites grumbled against God. Their complaints became a major hindrance for them as they journeyed to possess the land God had promised them. We can look at all the miracles God performed just to bring them out of Egypt and free them from the cruelty of Pharaoh, and struggle to understand how they could respond with such a lack of faith after all God did for them. But if we’re honest, don’t we do the same thing?
In our verse today, even though the people became belligerent, combative, hopeless and pessimistic, Moses encouraged them. He told them not to be afraid because God would fight for them (as He had been doing). All they had to do was stand firm and see how God would deliver them (once again). He said they would never see the Egyptians again after that day.
Moses had an amazing attitude. It appeared they had nowhere to go, but Moses confidently declared God would intervene. And He did. He opened the sea to make way for His people to walk across the seabed on dry ground. As the Egyptians came after them, God allowed the waters to return to the sea, and their enemies drowned.
Complaints and grumbling erode your faith in God and open the door to thoughts of giving up and quitting. They lead to rebellion against God, bitterness and resentment, and eventually give place to hostility and separation from God.
Today’s One Thing
One thing you can do today to stand firm and see God’s promises become reality in your life is to refuse to be moved by your circumstance. You can do that by maintaining a good attitude. Start with remembering the many things in your life that God has done for you. Make a list of how He’s brought you through difficult seasons. Thank Him for His deliverance in those instances and tell Him you trust Him to do it again.