Stepping Stones to Build Your Faith
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
─ Proverbs 16:9 ESV
Alistair Begg said, “Let us remember the loving-kindness of the Lord and rehearse His deeds of grace. Let us open the volume of recollection, which is so richly illuminated with memories of His mercy.”
We experience many different stepping stones along the path of life. Some of them are smooth, some are sharp, and others are shattered and broken. Depending on our journey as we walk upon them, they can be both a blessing or an obstacle. During the more difficult parts of the road, they can trip us, bruise us, cut us, or cause harm in some way.
We can learn to use the stepping stones before us. We can pick them up, move them, embrace them, and even build a memorial to God to remind us of where we’ve been.
Our faith grows with each obstacle we overcome. Each time a new challenge to your faith taunts you to doubt God and His faithfulness, pull a stepping stone from your past and remember how God was there for you. Remind yourself of His faithfulness. He will help you make it through whatever crisis stands in your way.
Today’s One Thing
What specific times in your life serve as a reminder that God is at work in your life? Think of a time when God proved Himself faithful. Take that memory and hold it up. Build your faith with it as a reminder to yourself of what God can do.