Surrendered to the New
To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.
─ Jude 24-25 NIV
Surrendered to the New
Taking a step forward, into the new, can be frightening, uncertain and difficult sometimes, but it can also be very exciting. We step into the unexpected and freshly imagined every year on January 1. The new year comes whether you’re ready for it or not.
The past year took us through things we’ve never experienced or even imagined in lifetimes past – a global pandemic, social unrest, isolation and nearly a whole year of disappointed dreams and unrealized hopes. And yet, we made it. We hoped for something different, we paused for something more and many of us came out with new understandings of who we are and how much God truly loves us.
Our verse today says He is more than able to keep you from falling to your demise. He is able to cleanse you so that you can come before His presence holy, without spot or wrinkle and full of joy. He is your everything. All glory, majesty, power and authority belongs to Him.
Whatever this new year brings, God is your confidence. He is able to keep you, sustain you and fill you with great joy. All you have to do is surrender completely, and follow after Him.
Today’s One Thing
What things concern you today? Read the verse for today again aloud. As you speak each word, ask the Holy Spirit to teach you more about God and what He wants you to learn from this verse. With this new understanding, you can be confident about this brand new year.