Surrounded by Love
“Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.”
—Proverbs 3:3
Little Rebecca jumped on the couch and squeezed in between her parents. She said, “Now I feel loved.”
Her parents both hugged her and her dad said, “Always remember we love you.”
God understands our deep desire for love. He instilled that in our hearts, but sometimes people let love of money, power, or other things become more important. Sometimes people grow up with abuse or neglect and never know love from an early age. Sometimes pain from hardship and loss fills a person’s heart so much it squeezes out love. God is the source of love.
Love flows from God, for God is love. His love is steadfast, unchanging and faithful. If we cling to God’s love, we will discover how to love others. This leaves a lasting impression in our hearts, one that is with us constantly to help love flow out of our words and actions.
Love flowing from the heart is like a magnet drawing people closer to us. As we respond to God’s love, His love will continue to abound in our lives and keep our hearts filled.
Today’s One Thing
Learn one more verse about God’s love and recall one answered prayer to store in your heart.