Take a Mission Trip in Your Own Community!
Regarding a recent community outreach event Family Life Radio’s Regional Promotions Coordinator, Amy Campos shared about with the rest of the team during Monday morning prayer and praise time: “It was like going on a missions trip right in your own community.”
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
– 1 Peter 4:10 ESV
Amy’s words are a vivid reminder that you don’t have to travel across the world to be the hands and feet of Jesus. People within your home or just outside your front door are hungry for the love of Jesus to work in their own lives.
Whatever gifts you have received to serve others are a form of God’s grace.
You have been given a gift from God (maybe even more than one). And you have encouragement from the Word of God to faithfully use that gift to be the hands and feet of Jesus to touch the lives of others.
Whatever gifts you have received to serve others are a form of God’s grace. And as God’s child, you are called to be a faithful steward of God’s grace. You are responsible for managing and using your gifts for the benefit of others, rather than for just your own gain.
Service to others is an important aspect of your faith. By using your gifts to serve others, not only can you bring a positive impact in your community and demonstrate the love of God to those around you – you can have a great time doing it.
Today’s One Thing
Will you choose today to allow God to use you to share His love by doing what He’s gifted you to do? Ask Him to show you how you can serve others in some way that brings glory to Him and blessing to those around you!