Take a Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
Be truthful – have you ever nodded off ever-so-slightly while driving and found yourself swerving to get back into your lane? Or have you ever missed your exit because of things swirling around in your mind? Distractions are plentiful and can cause you to lose focus or disrupt your purpose.
But when [Peter] saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.”
─ Matthew 14:30 ESV
Jesus prayed after feeding the five thousand, and at dawn, He saw His disciples in their boat a far distance from shore. As Jesus walked on the water to their boat, the disciples saw a figure coming toward them and were terrified. Jesus told them “Do not to be afraid; it’s me.” Peter courageously yelled to Him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water” (Matthew 14:28 ESV). Jesus said, “Come,” and Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.
Although you seem to stay afloat as you journey through life, things surrounding you may still feel terrifying. When you find yourself in that moment, follow Peter’s example and yell to Jesus. Perhaps He is asking you to leave your comfort zone and trust in Him.
Getting out of your comfort zone takes courage and faith-filled action.
You have the same opportunity as Peter did when asking the Lord for clarity and direction. Peter’s passion was to follow the Lord and be obedient. He had faith to step toward Jesus when the surrounding circumstances did not justify such an action. When Peter stepped out of the boat, a miracle occurred and Peter walked on water.
But in the midst of his miracle, he allowed the waves and winds to distract him as he gave them more of a priority instead of his focus on the Lord.
Getting out of your boat when Jesus says “Come” takes courage, faith and focus. God included Peter’s story in the Bible as an example for us. Are you stuck in your circumstances needing clarity and direction?
Today’s One Thing
Bring all your requests to the Lord. Listen to His directions. If He guides you to leave your boat (your comfort zone), step out on faith and trust in Him. Keep your eyes and focus on Jesus and ask Him to help you refuse all distractions.