Take a Holiday Chill Pill
And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.
— Luke 24:31
For most of us, the holidays make our to-do lists longer and our tempers shorter. Some of us live in such a constant state of anxiety that we have high blood pressure all year round.
In the New Testament Luke recorded the story of two very distraught men. They were Christ-followers who’d left everything to pursue a relationship with the long-awaited Messiah. They’d risked their livelihoods and the respect of their neighbors to align themselves with the man they believed would defeat the Roman tyrants. To their dismay their Savior was put to death on a cross. So like most of Jesus’ followers at the time, they feared for their lives and fled.
Undone and short-tempered, they didn’t have the emotional bandwidth to interact with the stranger flagging them down on the road to Emmaus. But they stopped and did their best to answer the man’s questions anyway. The more they interacted with Him, the more their eyes were opened. But it wasn’t until they engaged with Him in prayer that they recognized their Savior and realized He’d been with them all along.
Anxiety mounting? Stomach in a knot? Too stressed out to celebrate the holidays as you’d like?
There’s Someone waiting on your path. Stop. Take a moment. Get to know Jesus. Pray. Discover a Savior Who’s taken every step of the journey with you and is willing to walk you to your destination.
Today’s One Thing
Developing a relationship with Christ doesn’t have to stress you out. Try one minute sprints of prayer, reading a scripture on your phone app or simply closing your eyes and listening for God throughout the day.