Thankfulness – Worship’s Fuel
You would never deliberately pump water into the gas tank of your car. Water would not get you very far, and it would damage the engine.
The same is true when you fuel your heart with complaints, disappointment, discouragement, offensive thoughts and words. Your heart becomes polluted.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
─ Colossians 3:16 ESV
When you fuel your soul with gratitude to God for Who He is and where He’s brought you from, you can’t help but have a pure heart, empowered to overflow in praise and worship to Him.
Fuel your heart with words of gratitude.
A thankful perspective in life moves you to see things from God’s perspective and opens your heart to a life filled with worshiping Him.
Genuine thankfulness opens your heart to God’s peace and fills you with His compassion for others.
Today’s One Thing
Take an inventory of all the good in your life. Look at your work, health, relationships, finances and faith. Use the inventory list for prayers of gratitude. Give God thanks for His blessings in your life. Each time you’re tempted to complain, thank Him for something on this list instead.