The Greatest Gift is Giving Yourself
But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?
─ 1 John 3:17 ESV
Finn Lanning, a Colorado math teacher, never dreamed he’d finish the 2019 school semester with a child of his own. When Damien, one of his seventh-grade students, told him he wouldn’t be back to school because he was going to go live in the hospital, Lanning wanted to know more.
A kidney disorder called FSGS, which requires dialysis for 12 hours each day caused the 13-year-old to end up living at the hospital and in the foster care system. He was in desperate need of a new kidney, but homelessness made him ineligible for a transplant according to Lanning.
While Damien spent three to four months living in the hospital waiting for a placement, Lanning spent time with him and helped him to stay caught up in the classroom. When Lanning could no longer look the other way, he stepped in and offered Damien a home.
The love of God within our hearts should compel us to help others. Lanning’s demonstration of love is a picture of our verse today. He saw a child in need and took action.
Lanning’s intervention moved Damien to the top of the waiting list for a new kidney. In June of 2019, Damien received a transplant. In addition to a second chance at life, Damien also received a second chance at having a family.
God’s love produces actions of selflessness and sacrificial giving. The greatest act of love is giving yourself for others. Love serves others without an expectation of getting anything in return.
Today’s One Thing
How can you lay down your life for others? Ask God to open your eyes to the needs around you. Be ready to take action when He shows you where you can offer assistance with your money, possessions and time.