
The Message of Freedom

[Jesus] said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

─ Mark 16:15 ESV

The Message of Freedom

Jesus received all authority and dominion over heaven and earth from the Heavenly Father. With that authority, Jesus empowered His disciples – not just those in the Bible, but all who follow Him – to share Christ with everyone and make them disciples of the kingdom of God.

Jesus’ last words spoken to the disciples before He ascended into heaven included instruction to proclaim the Good News of truth to all of creation. They were to preach, teach, baptize and mentor future followers in the ways of Christ. His words didn’t stop with just the twelve but are instructions for you, as well.

We are to go wherever He leads us and share the message of freedom found only in relationship with Him. Sometimes we think we should leave this to those who lead in Christian circles, but we are all called to share Christ. You have a sphere of influence that a minister may never have the opportunity to reach. And Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help you do all things.

Today’s One Thing

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you know when and who to share Christ with. You may think that you don’t know what to say, but He will guide your conversation, give you wisdom and provide you with the right words to say. Share the message of freedom and eternal life by faith today.

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