The Places Hope Takes You
You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
─ Psalm 16:11 NKJV
Kay read the latest text from her oldest son: Bet you never dreamed God would use you to homeschool your grandchildren … and give you the ability to do it. She glanced across the room at her nine-year-old granddaughter, Mila, reading one of her assignments. Nope, she thought. Never in a million years would I have dreamed I’d be in the place I am. But she was grateful.
Kay received the Lord as a young child, and she promised to follow Him all of her life. She raised her three sons, living a life dedicated to God. Her husband had died unexpectedly more than a decade ago, and in the middle of her grief, the Lord set her on a path to an incredible journey. She’d had the privilege of living with each of her children and found her place to serve God while assisting them at different seasons in their lives.
When Mila experienced some medical issues, it was necessary for her to homeschool due to challenges with her immune system. Since both her parents needed to work, Kay followed the leading of the Lord and offered to move in to fill in the gaps as a caregiver and teacher.
You never know the places you will go when you make an intentional decision to surrender completely to God’s plans and follow His paths.
Today’s One Thing
Ask the Lord what adventures He has for you. Then watch for opportunities as He opens doors to something you may have never dreamed for you. Step out in faith and realize that the Lord is positioning you exactly where you need to be. With all your specific skill sets and God-given talents that will be used for His good and your joy!