Time to Bloom
You wait on God for renewal, and He creates beautiful blossoms as you grow and serve others.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
– 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
In the winter, plants become dormant. They move nutrients from their leaves to their roots in order to survive the cold. They stop growing, wait and conserve energy. But as the days get longer and the temperatures begin to rise, plants awaken from their slumber. They begin the process of renewal and growth, adding beauty to the world once again.
Life in Christ provides beautiful blooms to share with the world.
The beauty of the Christian life is that through Christ and His sacrifice, you are made new. The Holy Spirit lives in you and gives you desires to love and honor God in your newness and growth. As you feast on God’s Word and take time to soak it in like a thirsty plant that has been dormant, you grow. This nourishment creates vibrant blooms to share with those around you.
Have you felt spiritually dormant lately? You have all you need for a delightful feast in God’s Word. Spend time soaking it up, thinking about what God is showing you. Ask Him to fill you with His joy as you read and pray. Do what He has put before you, whether it’s the dishes, playing a game with your children, finishing a task for your job or making a challenging phone call. As you listen and do, His life and bright light shine through you.
Today’s One Thing
Spend time in God’s Word. Join a Bible study for accountability. Soak in it. Then, bloom.