Treasure the Silence
“But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”
─ Isaiah 40:31
Dale shut the front door carefully as the school bus pulled away from the corner of the street where his children had just caught the bus. He laughed, realizing this was the first time he found himself home alone in the house on a weekday.
The house was unnaturally quiet. He knew he should treasure the time over the next few weeks to recover from knee surgery. He cautiously sat down in his recliner and propped up his swollen knee. Resisting the urge to click on the television, he closed his eyes. Just you and me, Lord, sitting here in the quiet, he prayed.
He tried not to think about the work that had been piling up on his desk. Dale remembered his grandmother once saying, “Quietness on the outside, promotes peace on the inside.” He knew inner peace and quiet was important to a quick recovery. He was a doer, so it was hard for him to be still for long, yet he strangely welcomed this short season set a part for restoration – not just from his surgery – but also for spiritual recovery too.
Quiet moments with God restore our souls. We can learn to treasure the silence. When we settle in a quiet place, our spiritual senses are heightened to hear God’s direction and instruction.
Today’s One Thing
Where is your favorite quiet place? Make plans to spend some time there this week.