I will rejoice and be glad in your steadfast love, because you have seen my affliction; you have known the distress of my soul.
— Psalm 31:7
Little Billy lost his favorite stuffed toy—a dog named Troubles—and said, “I’m sad. I don’t have any Troubles any more.”
His mom gave him a big hug. The rest of the family laughed as his sister remarked she wished she could say that. Then everyone searched for the fuzzy brown dog.
We seldom go looking for trouble since it comes uninvited far too often. But we are thankful that God is always willing to listen, understand and comfort us. He knows the deepest sorrows of our souls and the stress in our lives. Through our problems we can still rejoice in God’s love and know that we are not in the struggle alone.
David, the writer of Psalm 31, used the term affliction, which refers to a great pain or persistent stress. This is not the daily anxiety of being cut off by another driver, stopped due to traffic, losing our keys or making a mistake. Affliction is a long-term problem like chronic pain, unemployment that lasts months or the devastating news of losing a loved one. Like He did for David, God is willing to listen as you pour out your heart and share your pain. He will quietly envelop you in love, and He offers the love letter of Scripture to soothe your soul.
Today’s One Thing
Dwell on God’s love for a few minutes, and let Him lift your spirits.