Turn Your Worries into Prayers
When has God asked you to do something you knew would be really hard?
Don’t worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
– Philippians 4:6 NLT
God had instructed Jacob to return to his homeland and to his relatives. He had fled his country twenty years before after deceiving his brother, Esau out of his birthright, but now, in obedience to God, he would stand before his brother again.
When you’re tempted to worry or panic, stop and pray. Tell God what you need and thank Him for it!
He was afraid his brother was going to kill him – and not just him but his wives and children too! He divided his family, servants, flocks and all he had in two groups, hoping if his brother pursued him, some of them could escape (Genesis 32). He was frantic with fear but decided to pray (Genesis 32:9-12). Jacob reminded God of his promise as he set out to obey Him.
We have choices when we are frantic about the difficult circumstances life can bring. We can let our emotions and thoughts get the better of us, or we can pray.
Today’s One Thing
Take your concerns to God in prayer today. Remind him of His promises in His Word as they pertain to your life and the circumstances you’re facing. Then let go and let God work. If you’re tempted to worry or panic, stop again and pray, reminding yourself that God is perfecting everything that concerns you!