Unexpected Gifts
Every good present and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father who made the sun, moon, and stars. The Father doesn’t change like the shifting shadows produced by the sun and the moon. God decided to give us life through the word of truth to make us his most important creatures.
─ James 1:17-18 GW
“I feel like I’m hanging on by a thread,” Jessica complained to her mother. “I make it over one huge obstacle and am immediately confronted by another one impeding my path.”
We all endure trials and adversity beyond our control. What if you looked at the challenges life brings as unexpected gifts? How would your perspective change? How might you look at things differently?
God promises to take what the enemy meant for evil and use it for your good (Genesis 50:20). Our verse today demonstrates God is a good father. Every perfect gift comes from Him. You are His most important treasure. As you navigate adversity, He continues to form you into His image and likeness. He addresses your fallen nature and brings you through the fire. In the process, you become more like Him.
Obstacles deepen our prayers. In the pain, our prayers go deeper, changing us. Trials bring the fruit of patience and endurance. God is speaking to our world and to our country. Some days it feels darker, He encourages us not to be fearful, but to be patient and trust Him. Those who endure with patience see the promises of God fulfilled.
Are you looking for God to do something new in you? As you trust God for the good, here are three things to do:
- Don’t be in a hurry.
- Ask God what He wants you to do or learn.
- Give thanks.
Today’s One Thing
Are you in the middle of a difficult trial? Ask God for strength, renewal and endurance to bring you through this season. Practice the three things you can do above.