
United- One Heart and Mind

Any time people get together, different opinions will come about simply because of the human experience. And if those opinions are shared with respect, great things can be accomplished. Spiritual unity looks different and is vital for God’s people to come together to accomplish His plan.

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.
─ Acts 4:32 NIV

Spiritual unity starts with a love for God, His Word and also for one another. Loyalty and commitment are also essential. When the people of God come together, united as one person, obeying God from the heart, He can and will do great things through their agreement in faith.

Spiritual unity is an invitation to experience the love of God.

In our verse today, all the believers were united as one and they shared everything they had because of the unity they shared as the Holy Spirit worked powerfully in and through them. Their unity brought a level of giving that eliminated poverty among them.

The spiritual unity and generosity of the early church attracted others to them. Spiritual unity is an invitation to experience the love of God.

Today’s One Thing
Think about the things you fight for or against throughout your week. What you’re standing for may be very important, or it may not be. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you have a heart united with Him so that you become an invitation for others to experience God.

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