Walking Strong
Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
— Joshua 1:9
God said to “be strong and courageous” three times in the first nine verses of the book of Joshua. And each time, God emphasized a different trait of a good leader. These were things Joshua needed to do to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.
A good leader stays on task. “For you shall cause this people to inherit the land . . .” (v. 6).
A good leader follows the law of God. “Being careful to do according to all the law . . .” (v. 7).
A good leader knows that God is near. “For the Lord your God is with you . . .” (v. 9).
There was a lot at stake. Fierce armies and angry kings waited for the people of Israel in the land that God had promised them, and it wouldn’t be easy to claim their inheritance. Joshua needed to take command, but he also needed to be under God’s law. And when the going got tough, he had to trust that God would be there.
What great advice for us today! Even if we’re not in a position of leadership, we have all been given some talent or gift to use for the Lord. As we take the path He has chosen for us, these three instructions are perfect for keeping us motivated and moving forward. We must walk with strength and courage, for God is with us.
Today’s One Thing
Choose one of the three traits of a good leader and live it out today, whatever your situation.