Walking with God
“They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” —Lamentations 3:23
Walking in the morning often means seeing the sun rise and hearing birds fill the air with sweet musical notes. The day awakens and flowers open up. Morning signals the hope of a fresh start.
Walking in the evening is a reflective time—as the sun begins to set, flowers close up, and birds settle down for the night. It’s a time to look back over the day and thank God for little blessings, confess our weak moments and ask Him for strength to face another day. It’s also a time to realize God walked with us and loved us every moment of the day.
No matter where we walk or what time of day, it’s comforting to know God walks beside us, even in the midst of great sorrow. In the Bible, the book of Lamentations contains a collection of poems or songs that grieve over the destruction of Jerusalem. The prophet Jeremiah weeps over the lowest points of sin of the people.
However, there is also great hope in Lamentations regarding God’s faithfulness and His mercies. God’s loving kindness and compassion never cease. Sin may bring suffering and grief, but God remains a God of compassion, hope and redemption. He will walk beside us and when we repent He is ready to fill us with new hope.
Today’s One Thing
Take a walk and talk to God. Share what’s in your heart whether it is joy, grief, or a mixture of emotions. Trust that He will listen and give you hope.