Watch What God Will Do
“The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”
─ Exodus 14:14
When the sky is falling in around us how do we typically respond? Are we proactive or reactive? Do we lose it? Do we try to control the situation or seek to solve it ourselves, even when we know there’s absolutely nothing we can do?
God’s chosen people, the Israelites, left Egyptian taskmasters after hundreds of years of captivity following Moses’ lead. God supernaturally freed them, only to find themselves trapped with the sea in front of them and Pharaoh’s army in pursuit. They lost it. The rejoicing as they marched out free from their oppressors suddenly turned to complaints and whining. They swiftly forgot the miraculous things God had done to bring them out of captivity. They lost their trust in God’s ability to deliver them.
Bad things happen in our fallen world – even to God’s children. It’s easy to forget how God has made a way for us in difficult times when we find ourselves facing an overwhelming situation. But as God’s child, we are not without hope. Even though the Israelites saw no way out, God had a plan. Moses, full of hope, encouraged them to remain silent and let God fight for them.
At the appointed time, God gave Moses direction to stop praying and start walking toward the sea. As Moses led God’s people to action, God opened up the sea and the Israelites escaped by walking a path of dry land – a new path that minutes before they could not see.
We may not yet see the path God has for us to take, but He has a plan. He will make a way. Hold on to hope and watch what God will do.
Today’s One Thing
Are you trying to figure it all out on your own? Let go of your plans, be silent before God and watch for what He will do.