What is a Surrendered Life
We hear the invitation to come to Jesus and make Him the Lord and Savior of your life. But what does that really mean?
Jesus said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”
─ Luke 9:23 ESV
It’s a blunt question, but do you think of your relationship with Jesus from a standpoint of what He can do for you? We’re all about the blessings, for sure, but what about the persecution, the inconvenience, and the quest to follow the Father’s will instead of your own?
Your life lived fully surrendered to Christ brings Him glory and pleasure.
In the verse above, Jesus is asking you to live a life completely surrendered to Him. A life lived intentionally for Christ means putting aside your own desires, understanding you belong to Him and you live to serve His purposes.
Your life lived fully surrendered to Christ brings Him glory and pleasure. It is then that He can live through you and use you in ways you never imagined.
Today’s One Thing
Are you still holding on to your own will today? What things do you need to let go of to fully live surrendered to Christ? Talk to Him about that today.