When It Seems Impossible, Hope Instead
While he was still speaking, there came from the ruler’s house some who said, “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?” But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.”
─ Mark 5:35-36
A spiritual leader among his people, Jairus implored Jesus to come to his home and heal his sick child. Jesus agreed to go to the child, but along the way others in need stopped Him asking for Jesus to minister to their needs. The delays could have cost the child her life.
Jairus received the horrific news his daughter died before they reached her. Those traveling with them asked Jairus, why bother Jesus now. In other words, she’s dead; what’s the point of continuing the journey. But Jesus overheard them and offered Jairus hope in His words, “Do not fear, only believe.” What a hard thing to do, but Jairus did it—he hoped instead!
As Jesus arrived at Jairus’s home, his family and friends were grieving. But Jesus told them she wasn’t dead, just asleep, and they laughed at Him. So, He sent those doubting His words away, and then told the child to get up. She responded to Jesus’s command and got up. She was alive and well. Imagine Jairus’ joy in having his daughter returned to him.
When things are desperate, it can be really hard to hold on to hope. Don’t give up; don’t stop believing. God is faithful. You can trust Him to bring you through.
Today’s One Thing
Do you feel like Jairus may have felt when others delayed his journey? What seems impossible for you today? What are you asking God to do on your behalf? Verbally declare what you believe. Tell yourself His truth by faith today.