When Others Cheer for Your Downfall
Have you ever endured a difficult season with a coworker or found yourself in a hostile work environment? Maybe you wondered about how to handle the situation from a biblical standpoint. Daniel’s story can be a great encouragement to you as you journey through a time with opposition from difficult people.
He is rescuer and savior; God performs signs and miracles in heaven and on earth. Here’s the proof: He rescued Daniel from the lions’ power.
– Daniel 6:27 CEB
Daniel was brought to Babylon as a captive when he was just a teenager. He lived and worked among those who did not believe in his God. And at more than 80 years old, he served as one of King Darius’ top three administrators, and the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom (Daniel 6:3).
Daniel made enemies at work by simply doing a good job. His coworkers were jealous of him. They couldn’t find anything wrong with Daniel’s work, so they attacked his belief and convinced the prideful king to throw anyone to the lions who prayed to anyone other than the king. When Daniel continued to pray as he always had, he was arrested (Daniel 6:16).
God is your rescuer and savior; He will perform miracles on your behalf.
When others cheer for your downfall, how should you respond? Daniel lived above reproach and continued to serve God. He had nothing to hide. And when attacks came, he relied on God. God is your rescuer and savior; He will perform miracles on your behalf.
You can face the critics of your faith with God on your side. Continue to believe and live as God instructs you in His Word. The battle is not yours; it belongs to Him. He will fight for you. He will bring you through.
Today’s One Thing
Like Daniel, spend time with God in prayer regarding whatever you’re facing, and He will rescue you.