Where He Leads
“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!”
—Psalm 143:10
We cannot go wrong when we follow God’s leading. Discerning exactly where and how God is guiding us, however, can be one of the biggest challenges for believers. How do I pray? What do I watch or listen for? How can I be sure it’s God’s guidance?
In Psalm 143:8, David prays to know God’s will: “Make me know the way I should go.” He wants to know the path God has for him. He doesn’t beg for a specific direction; instead, he pleads for God’s own will to be known.
When we’re confused about which direction to turn, too often the temptation is to instruct God on what we want. And while there’s nothing wrong with expressing our desires, if it’s the only option we put on the table, we may find it hard to discover what He wants for us.
When we instead surrender to Him, asking not only what His will is but also instructions on how to achieve it, we will find our hearts and minds fully open to hearing His guidance. If we will offer ourselves fully to Him each day, we will discover that He can clearly reach and teach us, and lead us forward on a firm footing.
Today’s One Thing
Make a list of three specific questions you would like God’s direction about, your own wishes concerning them, and ways you can pray to remain open to His will for them.