Why having non-Christian friends is a good thing
There’s an old story of a Jewish rabbi who took a weary traveler into his house for a night’s rest. After they ate, the rabbi asked the gentleman,“How old are you?”
“Almost a century old,” the man replied. The rabbi queried, “Are you a religious man?” He answered bluntly, “No, I do not believe in God.”
Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told [the Ethiopian man] the good news about Jesus.
─ Acts 8:35 ESV
The rabbi was infuriated. He opened the door and said, “I cannot keep an atheist in my house overnight.” With that, the old man hobbled out into the cold darkness.
Later, God spoke to the rabbi. “Why did you let him go?” The rabbi was somewhat surprised at the Lord’s question. “Because he was an atheist, and I cannot endure him overnight.”
God replied, “Son, I have endured him for almost one hundred years. Don’t you think you could endure him for one night?”
Don’t avoid non-Christian friendships. Instead, see them as opportunities to care and show His love.
It’s not easy to have tolerance or patience for those who do not share our faith. It is much easier to be around only those who love God and embrace our morals. Admittedly, a holy huddle is downright comfortable. But the Lord wants more—much more—from us.
He desires us to not only have non-Christian people in our lives; He wants us to place ourselves in a position to befriend them, not to be influenced by their lifestyle, but to draw them to the source of our life: Jesus Christ.
Don’t avoid non-Christian friendships. Instead, see them as opportunities to care and show His love.
Today’s One Thing
Read the story around today’s verse, (Acts 8:26-39) then think: Who needs more enduring love from you?
Invite a non-Christian friend out to lunch. Offer to buy and be sure to listen and care about their lives.