Will You Fill the Gap?
In the Old Testament God called people to intercede – to stand in the gap created by sin’s consequences and the people who sinned. In spite of Jonah’s resistance to go to Nineveh and preach to the people, he filled the gap and the city repented and the whole city was spared.
Then the Lord saw it, and it displeased Him that there was no justice. He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor; therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him; and His own righteousness, it sustained Him.
─ Isaiah 59:15-16 NKJV
Abraham asked God if he would spare the sinful city of Sodom if there were ten righteous people (Genesis 18:32). He only found four and delivered Abraham’s nephew’s family out of Sodom before it was destroyed.
People like Abraham, Moses, Elijah and Daniel served as Old Testament intercessors. When one person walking with God would stand in the gap for the sinful people of their day, God would often forgive them and withhold the judgement He had previously promised.
Be a “gap filler” through the power of personal intercession.
Before Jesus came into the world, God looked to the priests to be the gap fillers, but their own sin created a gap and interrupted temple ministry. In the verse above, The Lord was displeased; he found no intercessor – no one to stand in the gap, so He sent Jesus, the Messiah. This verse foreshadowed the Savior of the World and what He would bring to God’s people.
You can alter the future of a nation, a community or bring God on the scene for a family member through the power of personal intercession.
Today’s One Thing
Lean into the power flowing within you today. Ask God how you can intercede today for a friend, a community or a nation.