
Winning over the What-Ifs

Which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?

— Matthew 6:27 

 “He’s only had his license a week.” Diane glared at her husband as their 16-year-old son backed the family car out of the drive. Worst-case scenarios swirled in her mind. “What if something happens?”

“It might,” her husband said. “And he could get cancer tomorrow.”

“That doesn’t make me feel better.”

He took her hand. “We’ve got to let him grow up. Try not to worry.”

“That’s like asking a mother not to breathe,” she stormed into the house.

Trying not to worry is easier said than done. There’s always something to worry about. Our jobs. Our finances. Our health. But dwelling on what might happen will not keep us safe. Too many things in this world are out of our control. We can train our children to be aware of the dangers on the road, but we can’t make everyone else follow the rules. We can eat right and exercise, but we can’t keep our bodies fit forever. We can work hard, but we can’t keep an economic downturn from eliminating our job.

When Jesus became flesh, He acquired humanity’s desire to avoid pain and suffering. He knew a cross awaited Him, but He didn’t waste time worrying about how to avoid it. Instead He found a quiet spot and poured His fears out to God. When the time of suffering came, Jesus was armed with inner peace and strength to do what He had to do.

Most of us face a war of what-ifs at some point in our lives. Anxiety is always lingering nearby. Let’s not become prey to its enticements. Let’s focus on the One who can do something about it.

Today’s One Thing

Focus on what you can change, rather than circumstances beyond your control. After you’ve evaluated your options, pray. Then decide on a plan of action.

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