Wisdom from Your Scars
As you consider your goals and ambitions for this coming year, pause briefly and look at a few physical scars on your legs, arms or hands. Your scars are reflections of the past and observations of how God healed you from your cuts, scratches or burns and gave you a story to share.
Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.”
– John 20:27 ESV
While others may see your scars, you know the specific story from each mark. Naturally, you have learned from your past experiences. Though these were memorable events, you captured wisdom and knowledge to apply in your future endeavors. The future is what you make of it when you utilize the wisdom you have gleaned.
To best use your wisdom, you must be in the present, not living in the past or thinking only of the future but determine how to invest your knowledge wisely. You can’t change or manipulate yesterday, but you can take what you learned and press forward with new goals. God has given you a personal testimony to reflect upon while trusting in Him to help you apply your wisdom to tomorrow.
Living in the present means reflecting on the past, using wisdom gleaned and thriving forward to the calling God gave you.
You must have dreams and goals that encourage and motivate you. God wants you in the present, and He will prosper you as you experience new events. He is creating something new by giving you wisdom and experience to make the best of your future. He wants you to thrive.
Your scars are excellent reminders of the wisdom God has given you as He healed you and helped you to move beyond your circumstances toward new encounters and opportunities.
Today’s One Thing
Thank the Lord for your experiences and ask Him for His directions for this year’s goals and endeavors. Be in the present so you can hear Him for your next steps.