With Prayerful Persistence
Jesus told a story of a widow who pursued the judge in her town to give her justice against her adversary (Luke 18:3). The judge had no regard for God or the people in the community he presided over.
“Be persistent in prayer, and keep alert as you pray, giving thanks to God.”
─ Colossians 4:2 GNT
Even though the judge repeatedly denied her requests, she continued to plead with him. After a considerable amount of time, he finally gave into her pleas because she refused to quit. He grew tired of her constant pursuit for her cause.
Never give up; always pursue God in prayer.
Your persistence in prayer doesn’t have to look like long, drawn out and repetitive prayer sessions. Each time you come to God, see it as an opportunity to:
• Stir your faith.
• Stand firm.
• Remind yourself of what His Word says about your situation.
• Speak His promises back to Him.
• Believe He will answer.
• Trust Him to work all things together for your good.
Jesus told the story of the persistent widow to encourage us to pray and to never give up! Always pursue God in prayer.
Today’s One Thing
Whatever you are holding onto today, refuse to let it go. Even if it feels like it’s slipping through your fingers, renew your grip in faith. Become persistent in prayer today.