Worshipful Prayer
About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. And immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s bonds were unfastened.
─ Acts 16:25-26 ESV
Worshipful prayer opens your heart and allows you to be vulnerable to God’s heart as He touches you. It is the pursuit of God’s heart, waiting to hear the things He wants to share with you about your life.
Worshipful prayer sets aside your list of needs and wants, and partnering with God to change your life, your family and the world. He desires a real relationship with you. He wants you to hear His heart.
Our verse today is a beautiful picture of Paul and Silas in worshipful prayer. No doubt their circumstances were shouting out to them. They were in pain after being beaten. They’d been imprisoned for their faith, and yet, in the darkness of the night in their prison cell, they prayerfully worshipped God. God responded to them by removing everyone’s chains. He didn’t just free Paul and Silas, but every prisoner inside.
The more you live and move in God, the more you hear His voice. Worshipful prayer tunes you like an instrument, playing according to His vision and purpose for your life, which becomes a blessing to your community.
Today’s One Thing
Use prayerful worship to tune out the negativity of life. Silence those who oppose your faith and press in like never before. Take time to practice worshipful prayer any time you are alone today.