You are the Father’s Child
Isn’t it amazing how sometimes life’s biggest revelations come in the most unexpected moments? Austin French candidly recounted a season in his life: “I caught myself feeling more like an employee of God,” he admitted.
Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son.
– Ephesians 1:5-6 MSG
Imagine feeling like you’re just clocking in and out of your relationship with God, treating it more like a job than the intimate connection it’s meant to be. Austin’s words hit home when he talked about that season in his life where ministry became all-consuming, leaving him drained and questioning his purpose. Maybe you’ve been there too, caught up in trying to earn God’s approval through your works, forgetting that you’re already fully accepted as His beloved child.
God’s grandest plan was always to bring you into the family, as His very own child through Jesus, soaking you in His overwhelming love, showcasing His grace and immense joy for you.
But then, there’s that pivotal moment, that sweet encounter where God’s presence is so tangible, it stops you in your tracks. For Austin, it was the day he met his oldest son. It was in that instant that he heard God’s voice with crystal clarity, affirming his role as a father and revealing a glimpse of the Father’s unwavering love for him.
You are not just a servant laboring for God’s approval; you are a cherished member of His family, handpicked and loved beyond measure. Pause for a moment and let that sink in. Your worth isn’t found in what you do, but in whose you are—a beloved child of the Most High God.
You are deeply loved and fully accepted just as you are. You can let go of the need to earn God’s favor and instead bask in the unmerited grace lavished upon you.
Today’s One Thing
Say this affirmation aloud: “I am a part of my Heavenly Father’s family, surrounded by His endless love. I embrace my identity as His beloved child. I know He will guide me even amidst challenges, and I am confident that His intentions for me are always good.”