You Can Stand Up Under Temptation
Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who is patient under trial and stands up under temptation, for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive [the victor’s] crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him.
─ James 1:12 AMPC
Brenda looked at the clock again, as she sat on the living room couch. Her daughter, Andrea, was a half hour past her curfew, and had not responded to Brenda’s text or calls. Worry, concern, anger, frustration – she held the wave of emotions at bay and prayed for her daughter’s safety.
Fifteen minutes later, she heard Andrea’s car in the driveway, and seconds later her daughter slipped through the front door. “Mom, I’m sorry …” she began. Brenda was tempted to give into the emotions she was feeling but instead prayed for the Lord to help her react constructively.
Satan’s invitation to temptation pushes us to give in to living his kind of life and to give up on the blessed life God promises us (James 1:12). Satan successfully tempted Eve to sin and he’s been pushing people ever since. He tempted Jesus, but Jesus stood up under the temptation (Matthew 4:11).
You can stand up under temptation. Being tempted is not a sin. You have not sinned until you give in to the temptation. When tempted:
- Pray for strength to resist the temptation.
- Separate yourself from the temptation. That can mean literally to run away.
- Say no when confronted with what you know would not please God.
Today’s One Thing
Maybe your temptation to sin is just a little thing – a white lie, using foul language or something else. Whatever you are struggling with, begin to use these three ways to resist temptation, and ask someone you trust to be an accountability partner.