You Got This
Have you ever taken a time-out or said, “I need five minutes?” Life can be busy, complex and filled with opportunities that create joy and accomplishments while simultaneously adding challenges and obstacles.
Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.
– Luke 6:21 ESV
Achieving satisfaction can become an addiction. God designed your body to produce endorphins when goals or achievements are fulfilled, which creates a momentary excitement and “a feel-good moment.” This chemical release feels fantastic, but for a believer in Jesus, the feeling is not short-lived because you experience God’s work through your actions.
Blessed are you when you trust in the Lord by making your request known to Him and watching how He reveals Himself through your prayer requests. Life runs so much smoother when your foundation is firmly built upon God, and you trust in Him.
Drawing closer to Jesus and trusting in the Holy Spirit to guide you is the cornerstone to achieving and living life to its fullest.
Taking a time-out for yourself is necessary for physical and mental well-being. Including the Lord in your rest will revitalize you more than you can imagine. When you return to your tasks with the Lord’s support and direction, your trajectory of achievements will present opportunities to praise God and pray more.
You will never know how strong you are without trusting in the Almighty Creator. As you release your burdens to Him, believe He will guide you. Be amazed when He says, “You got this – I am with you.”
Today’s One Thing
Read Psalm 46 and know God sent His Son for you. “Take five” and give your concerns to the Lord and listen to what He shares with you.