Your Mission Matters
But I don’t place any value on my own life. I want to finish the race I’m running. I want to carry out the mission I received from the Lord Jesus—the mission of testifying to the Good News of God’s kindness.
─ Acts 20:24 GW
You have a purpose, a mission from Heaven and it’s important! It matters to God and those He’s called you to minister to during your lifetime. Ministry is not only for those who stand on the platform, or perform on a stage, but also your purpose as a child of God. You’ve been given a mission, and only you can achieve it. It takes your individual gifts, your unique talents and the influence you have in the lives of those God has connected to you.
Paul considered life worthless, unless he used it for God’s work. The Christian’s description of a successful life may not look very different from the world’s pursuit of success, but it should. We are set apart, called for a specific purpose that is much different from those who have not yet responded to God’s invitation to know Him.
The world often looks for recognition, fun, money and the approval from men. In our verse today, Paul is saying what he put into life was far more important than what he got out of it. What you do with our life and how you love others testifies to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Your mission matters. Consider the following questions as you fulfill the purpose God has given you:
- What missions does God desire for you to carry out each day?
- What words will He have you speak to the people He brings across your path?
- How can you be present in the moment with God, on the mission to do what He desires of you.
Let Paul’s words echo in your heart: “I want to carry out the mission I received from the Lord Jesus—the mission of testifying to the Good News of God’s kindness” (Acts 20:24 GW).
Today’s One Thing
You have a mission today. Ask God to open your eyes to see the opportunities He’s placed before you. Expect His help as you respond to Him in faith and minister to others in the way He leads you.