
Your Quest for Face Time with God

Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually! Remember the wondrous works that he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he uttered.

─ Psalm 105:4-5 ESV

Tandy dropped her toddlers into their respective classrooms as she did each Tuesday morning. But this morning she was preoccupied. She had a burning question for her friend, and Bible study group leader, Tracey. She wanted to get to class a little early so she would have a few minutes to talk to her about it.

After a quick greeting, Tandy asked, “If God is always with us, then why are we repeatedly encouraged in scripture to seek Him?”

Tracey smiled. “Seeking the Lord means we are on a quest for His presence. ‘Presence’ is generally interpreted as the Hebrew word face. We are literally called to pursue face time with God.”

“But as His children,” Tandy pressed, “aren’t we always in His presence?”

“Yes, Jesus promised to always be with us in Matthew 28, but sadly, God’s cognizant, presence is not our continuous experience,” Tracey explained. “That’s why we must continually seek Him by intentionally setting our mind and heart on Him.”

Distractions from life can keep us from experiencing God’s presence as we should. Seeking Him continually requires diligence on our part. Your personal quest for face time with God begins when you choose to consciously focus your attention and affection on God.

Today’s One Thing

It’s often difficult to get quiet and seek the face of God. Here’s a few ideas to get your started.

  • Turn your drive time into face time. Spend time in prayer and practice listening with your thoughts on God during your commute this week.
  • As you go about your day, turn down the volume of life and turn up praise music when you can.
  • Find a Bible app you like and listen to God’s Word, allow Him to speak to you today.
  • Ask God to visit you as you sit quietly this evening.

It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. It just takes intentional choices to make God a priority, even for a little bit throughout our busy lives makes a big difference!



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