Christian Women’s Connection “Fall Fundraiser” Luncheon – Midland, MI
October 9 @ 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
$18.00All ladies are invited and welcome to attend. It is fall fundraiser time again! Please come and enjoy all the wonderful items that are available for purchase. Proceeds support current and new programs that help women share the Gospel as well as Stonecroft Bible Studies. In addition, our Inspirational Speaker, Amy Gardner, Pier, MI, will present “Laughter to Joy”. LAUGHTER, as fun as it is, cannot be counted on when the CIRCUMSTANCES of our life change. Laughter will desert us, but JOY is something that remains. Come and see what brought Amy real lasting JOY. Her message is loaded with lots and lots of laughter! We hope you can join us! Reserve your spot today!
Location: Midland Country Club, 1120 West St. Andrews Rd., Midland, MI
Cost: $18.00 payable at the door
Deadline for reservations: Sunday, October 6;
Email Lori at:; (979-299-9831)
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