Give the HOPE, PEACE and STRENGTH of Jesus
Every day, tens of thousands of men, women and children tune in to Family Life Radio.
Some are going through a difficult situation. Others need encouragement amidst the busyness and chaos of life. Many simply yearn to draw closer to God.
Whatever the needs—whether at home, at work, in the car or on a device here or there—the soul-soothing music and truth filled messages you make possible are changing lives!
“My daughter recently re-dedicated her life to Jesus as a result of listening to Family Life Radio. She says, ‘It’s like praying all the time, because these songs are always running through my head!’ I think it’s just wonderful. We are so blessed by your ministry.”
— Trina, an online listener
Please continue the good work you are a part of through Family Life Radio.
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A mother calls on God’s promises
THANK YOU for Serving Up Love to Our First Responders
Ultimate Baby Shower
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A Note From Evan: Getting God’s Word Into Your Head and Heart