How to Build Your Life on a Firm Foundation
Life can come at you like a tidal wave. On-air hosts Mike Kankelfritz and Sally Barton share their thoughts on what it means to prepare for the storms you face—and how you can build your life on a firm foundation with Jesus as your cornerstone.
Mike: The Bible talks about building your house upon the rock, but what does that mean? I decided to look it up and found it in Luke 6:47–49. Jesus says, “Everyone comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock.” And then it says that when the water beat against the house, the building could not be shaken because it was built on rock.
Sally: So the foundation you’re building your life on is the Word. That’s why it’s important to think about the decisions you make in life and what your motivation is behind what you do. Are you doing it for your glory or God’s? Is it based on His Word or something far less stable?
Mike: It’s reassuring to know that if I follow his Word and I’m building my foundation in him, that foundation is forever because it’s based on God’s wisdom.
Sally: Right! The truth is that foundation is following Jesus Christ. If you’re in God’s Word and your motivation is to please him, then your foundation will be firm. And that truth brings real hope no matter what storms come your way.
Tune in for more hope-filled discussions with Mike and Sally every day on your Family Life Radio station. Check your local listings for the time.
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