
Thrive Worship on Leading with Heart and Obedience

What really matters?

Thrive Worship talked to us about how they balance this tension between authenticity and audience connection.

For the members of Thrive Worship, balancing the desire to be authentic before God and the need to connect with the people they are leading is a constant journey. They know that worship is ultimately about giving glory to God, but they also understand the importance of guiding a congregation into that space.

Let worship be that sacred space where you offer your heart to God.

Worship as a Sacrifice to God

Corbin Phillips, worship leader, songwriter, producer, and artist for Thrive Worship, shared how easy it can be to get caught up in seeking approval from people instead of focusing on God. They remind themselves, worship is a sacrifice that belongs to God, not something that seeks applause.

“We were talking a little bit about this last night actually,” Corbin shared. “It’s so easy to get caught up in the fame, the attention… but we’re actually not designed to receive that praise. We’re designed to reflect it.”

Thrive Worship

For Thrive Worship, the key is always remembering that worship is about reflecting glory back to God. By keeping this perspective, they create an environment where everyone—on stage and in the congregation—is focused on giving glory to Him.

Corbin explained that staying in a posture of humility helps them avoid seeking validation from others. “As often as we can stay in that posture of recognizing that all of this is for the kingdom being built, it creates an environment where we’re all on this level playing field, just trying to bring an offering to God.”

Success Defined by Obedience

It’s tempting to measure success in worship by how many hands are raised or how loud the audience sings along. But for Thrive Worship, true success is measured by obedience to God. Corbin shared how this mindset has shaped the way they lead worship, keeping them grounded in their calling rather than focusing on the crowd’s response.

Thrive Worship

“One thing that I have found is understanding our measurement of success is really important,” Corbin said. “Sure, we want to reach people… but our success is really determined by our willingness to just obey what God asks us to do.”

Success doesn’t come from applause or recognition.

The band finds success as they faithfully lead worship in the way God has called them to, even if it doesn’t always look like a crowd-pleasing performance. “If we’re obeying and we’re out working what He’s put in our hearts, then we can rest easy with whatever the outcome is,” Corbin added.

Balancing Sincerity and Connection

One of the biggest challenges worship leaders face is balancing being sincere in their offering to God while creating a connection with the audience. Thrive Worship knows this tension well. They want to stay true to what God is putting on their hearts, but they also want to ensure the music is resonating with the people they are leading.

“There’s always a tension of creating something from the heart,” Corbin reflected, “and also making sure that it’s something people can connect to.”

Powerful moments of worship happen when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and real.

The key, they’ve found, is uncompromised authenticity. By creating music from their own personal faith journeys, they can lead with sincerity, trusting that it will naturally connect with others.

Thrive Worship

Sincerity Brings Breakthrough

Some of the most powerful moments of worship happen when things are unpolished and imperfect, and we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and real. Corbin emphasized, “The greatest tool that we have is to be authentic and broken, and to allow the Spirit of God to work through us in that way.”

When worship leaders create space for the Spirit of God to move through their own authenticity, people often experience breakthroughs in their own faith. “Those are the moments of the most profound ministry… when I’m coming to the table with the truest version of myself and I’m letting God work through it.”  

As you reflect on your own worship experience, think about how you can offer your worship to God with sincerity and obedience. True worship is about offering your heart to God and trusting Him to do the rest.

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