Love Your Neighbor

Celebrate unsung heroes and help change lives

Love Your Neighbor

Family Life Radio is connecting people in need with those who can help. Together, we’re celebrating the power of kindness and the incredible stories of unsung heroes in our communities.

For the past several years, this special campaign has empowered listeners to bring hope to others across the country through extraordinary acts of kindness:


Peggy in Texas had knee surgery and had her house cleaned

“I want to Thank Family Life Radio and Classy Cleaning company- all you ladles helped me out so much. I’m so thankful and grateful for you all.”


Texas listeners Willie and his wife needed a water heater

Charles called in and had a water heater provided and installed for them


Jacob in Michigan needed a new furnace

Williams Distribution donated a new furnace

A1-Mechanical donated a new water heater and installation costs

City of Hastings waived permit fees


Heather in Michigan needed her daughter’ s car heater repaired

David from Michigan Center, MI had a local mechanic flush the heating core and seal the tires David’s small group from church covered the repair costs


So, from that single mom navigating life’s toughest challenges to a selfless caregiver driving miles every day to serve others, you have the chance to make a difference. Nominate someone in your life who could use a blessing and tell us how you’d like to help – we might even assist you in putting your plan into action.

We have a few ways to share…

  1. When we tell you – call 888-888-9976 and share about someone in your life who could use a blessing and tell us how you’d like to help. And tell us how you already love your neighbors too.
  • Kankelfritz and Friends Morning Show: 7:05 AM Arizona/9:05 AM EST.
  • Middays with Shannyn Caldwell: 9:30 AM Arizona/11:30 AM EST.
  • Afternoons with Sam Kelly: 3:00 PM Arizona/5:00 PM EST.
  1. Online: Share about an unsung hero or neighbor who deserves a special blessing.

  1. Be listening – we might be sharing YOUR story during Kankelfritz and Friends, Mid-Days with Shannyn Caldwell and Afternoons with Sam Kelly from February 10 through March 7, 2025!

In the meantime, Love Your Neighbors (not just the people living next door) – be kind, help, show God’s love by what you do. Go ahead, plow their driveway, take in their trash cans, make a meal for their family, walk the dog, hang their curtains, babysit their kids, etc.